Thursday, April 5, 2007

Spring is a time for Change-y

Spring is here and the weather has been pretty mild this week. Though the temperature itself hasn't increased significantly from past weeks, the grass is now green and the trees are starting to blossom (see above).

In addition, Korea has been hit by a wave of yellow dust from China, and Sunday was supposed to be the worst sand-storm day of the season. You know what? I didn't really notice. The sky is always a little hazy being in such a populated/polluted area but it didn't seem out of the ordinary. Shaun was in Seoul that day and said you could see a yellow haze over the mountains and one of our part-timers at the school suffered a respitory infection over the weekend because of the dust. Since I admit to being oblivious to the dust, my camera was not handy and thus the above image has been provided to you courtesy of Google image search.

On Sunday Mel and I weighed ourselves at a department store to find that we'd both gained a surprising amount of weight since we'd last thought to weigh ourselves (in Canada of course). I'm not at liberty to quote the amount of weight gained by Mel, but I've put on 20 lbs- roughly 3 lbs a month since I got here. This doesn't really bother me. I'm actually pretty happy because I've had a hard time gaining weight for as long as I can remember. However, I haven't added any muscle at all, just gut. So, on Monday Mel and I joined a gym to displace our weight from the gut to the pipes. Neither of us have ever worked out before but we had a decent time on our first visit. I am pretty sore though! It was only 30,000 won for a month, which is pretty reasonable and it's so close that we have no excuse not to go. Watch out Canada- I'm coming back all big and ripped.

Speaking of change, we've also changed addresses! Remember in our last post we mentioned the squeaky pipe from hell that had been keeping us awake at night? Well rather than fix it, our landlord preferred that we switch rooms. It was an inconvenience but necessary. So Tuesday after work we packed up and moved from #902 to #816. The apartments are exactly the same in just about every way. There are a few drawers that are differently shaped and the view has changed so things have felt a little 'off' at home for the past day or so. But we have cable again, which was better than we had remembered it being. And we also got our internet connection set back up this afternoon and the technician was even kind enough to give Mel a drive to work after he had to return to the apartment because he'd forgotten his stapler. A silent drive to work.
Did I mention that we had to move everything the day after our first workout at the gym? SORE!

Another week has meant a new herd of students at our school, and I have been lucky enough to be teaching a team of little prodigies that use words like "furthermore". It's been really nice to actually have conversations with students that can express themselves quite well in english. We've also had a new teacher start, which is exciting since we haven't had anyone new join the staff since the school opened. Well that's the big update for the day. We're looking forward to a big all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink supper tomorrow night, so watch for some (likely embarrassing) pics soon.

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