Sunday, March 13, 2011


Two weeks ago we graduated into the Korean 2A class at the Global Village Center. We're basically in the "no child gets left behind" program- if you keep attending class regularly, you can move through the levels without taking a level test. As a result, a bunch of new people who are actually good at Korean tested into the 2A class with us and we felt SO DUMB in our first class! One new classmate actually rolled her eyes when she was paired up with us during a role play. So embarrassing...

We realized that if we're going to stick with it, then we need to be more prepared for our classes so we've started pre-studying the lessons in our textbooks before going to class. It helps a lot! Anyway, today was a nice spring day so we were able to study at Hangang Park.

You don't really need to know Korean to get by in Korea, but it makes things more interesting. It's been helpful with the new batch of 3-4 year-olds that have come to the my school this semester, and it's always useful when we take trips or go out to eat. On the weekend I was able to ask a bakery employee which macaroon she recommended. It wasn't very good, but I appreciated the practice.

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