Sunday, August 22, 2010

Robot Museum and Olympic Park

"Welcome to Seoul, Korea" a sweaty jogger said to us as we stared at a map of Olympic Park. We've been here for close to 2 years but we accepted the greeting. This self-appointed tour guide wanted to point out a few sites at the park worth visiting, so we took his advice and walked around the attractions. Koreans are nothing if not friendly.

Olympic Park was built when Seoul hosted the Olympics way back in 1988. The building of this park is what forced thousands of poor people from their homes and into a slum of the edge of Gangnam, so we thought we'd check it out one night last week when we were feeling bored.

There is a lot of green space and some hiking trails in the park, but the most impressive area was probably this main gate which has a small torch lit beneath it.

There was a large pond in front of an amphitheater surrounded by trees and fake (!) rocks where we sat and enjoyed a band that was playing. I'd recommend Olympic Park as a place to take a picnic, or to stroll around for a few hours some day.

Last Saturday I had a dream with robots at the Robot Museum in Hyewha. The Robot Museum could be more accurately renamed "Robot Toy Museum" as that was all that was on display over two floors in a building near Hyewha Station. While we enjoyed looking at the old toys (some of them were really ancient), the admission price was 8,000 Won so it probably isn't a place that's worth making a special trip to see. Regardless, here are some pictures that I feel are definitely worth seeing:

There were shelves and shelves of old toy robots like these. The campy old ones from the 40s and 50s were my favorites.

This handheld Batman video game was on display for some reason. I remember playing this game with my brother as a kid. We weren't allowed to have Nintendos so this was my sad replacement for a Game Boy.

Ho ho ho-bot.

Of course there was a display of Astroboy toys. There was even a bag of Astroboy Cheetos on display too.

I vaguely remember owning a Poo Chi (from the makers of Furby, according to the packaging) at some point in my life.

Not sure why these Teletubbies shoes needed to be on display, but maybe you're starting to get the idea why I thought the 8,000 Won admission was a little overpriced.

'nuff said.

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