Friday, July 15, 2011

A Reprieve From The Rain

"I love the summer in Korea!"

"I'm so glad we get to have one more summer in Seoul! We'll be at the Han River pools everyday"

This was us a few months ago. Fast forward to approximately now: it's rained for the last three weekends and just about every day in between. It's going to rain again this weekend. The word on the street is that this monsoon weather should end by Tuesday, but a typhoon is expected to hit us the very next day. We only have one more weekend left in the country! Is the only way out of these rainy clouds going to be actually flying through them and moving home? That's how it worked out with our last months in Taiwan...

Last Friday we got a brief reprieve from the rain, so we took a walk by the Han River. We've been busy with all things related to moving home and planning for a wedding/university/a cross-Canada move, all while squeezing in trips to the gym, so it was nice to chill out by the river on a warm, rain free evening.

This is where tourists can catch Seoul's water taxi. Unfortunately, due to all the rain, you might need a water taxi to take you to the water taxi. It was so many flood!

Drinks were drunk. Some nice people shared their Korean Doritos with us.

This dusty old riverboat/restaurant is a bit of an eyesore during the day but looks nice lit up on the water at night.

My most vivid memory from our first day in Seoul was traveling on the bus from the airport and passing by all the colorful, lit up bridges. I hadn't slept in 30 hours but I was pretty sure I was in the biggest city EVAH.

Sunsets in Korea aren't like they are at home, but we were graced with a nice purple on this night.

You can kind of see Seoul Tower lit up there on the opposite side of the river.

I hope we can get a few more nights like this one before we move home because we're running out of dry shoes and umbrellas at this point. I'm one more rainy weekend away from reneging my claim of love for Korea's summers!!

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