On Saturday, Mel, BFF Nareesa, and I went to Baishawan beach for the day. The weather was nice... around 30 degrees with the humidex considered, though it was a little windy. We had to move our towels down to the wet, packed sand so we wouldn't get hit by all the stray grains of sand. Unfortunately, right after we arrived an announcement was made in both Chinese and English that "due to the conditionment of the water, the beach was closed". Conditionment=there were waves. Oh well, nobody seemed to leave the water so we stripped down and got in too. We got whistled at, but they let us carry on as long as we didn't go in past our knees. So we sat down and floated in the warm waves. Ahhhhhh, October.
I'd been to this beach by myself once before, so I was excited to show Mel my favorite part of the area, which is the hiking trails along the coast. So, after enjoying the beach for a few hours we headed out for our hike, and found ourselves relaxing in the sun and eating doritos on a giant volcanic rock on the coast.
A view of beach from the trail.
The scariest part of our Halloween evening came when we were leaving and I saw a guy with a cart selling something at 2 for $30NT. The signage was all in Chinese, so we had no idea what he was selling, so and I gave Nareesa $30NT and dared her to go ask him for 2 of whatever he was selling. She marched back proudly with a purchase worthy of thisiswhyyourfat.com... a hot dog inside of another hot dog! I don't even like hot dogs but I tried it and I can tell you that this was truly gross.
On the bus ride home I got in trouble by the bus driver who was screaming at the top of his lungs that I didn't pay when I got on the bus. I had swiped my card but it must not have worked and he was FREAKING OUT. Of course, I had no idea what he was saying, or that it was about me until a lady on the bus translated for me. Sorry! So, on the way home we stopped at Longshan Temple market (the snake alley place) and got some pho from a toothless lady's cart and it was so much more awesome than pho from a cart ever should be.
Today we went to see the Michael Jackson movie, "This Is It" and otherwise just had a generally relaxing day. Michael Jackson has been a huge influence on this blog over the years, in fact we actually reported on his death first HERE over 3 years ago. Anyway, I can't believe it's almost Monday! Shamon-day!
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