Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Most Popular Songs In Taiwan

Not unlike Korea, Taiwan has yet to evolve from that boy band style of music that was popular in the US and Canada in the 90s. The music is generally cheesy, poppy and gross- here are three of the biggest songs in Taiwan that are pretty much unavoidable right now (I will admit to not entirely hating any of them *pukes in mouth*):

(The trannies of) Super Junior M- Sorry Sorry

If anyone in my class says "sorry" for any reason, at least a dozen kids will start singing the chorus to this damn song. Actually, it is pretty catchy.

夜貓(Night Cat) by 丁噹(Ring)... I had no idea who sang this song until I looked up the Taiwan music charts and searched for a few of the songs on You Tube, but this song is played here a lot. The only lyrics I understand are in the chorus when she says "Mao" and "Gao" AKA cat and dog.

Wonder Girls- Nobody

This is horrible, but it when I'm out and I hear it it always gets stuck in my head. Such a stupid song!! Enjoy!

We're going out with some Taiwanese friends on Saturday night for karaoke (at a famous karaoke place where all the celebs go) and I hope we can convince them to sing one of these amazing songs!

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