Monday, April 23, 2007

Public Exercise

One thing that is abundant in Korea is parks- possibly because nobody has a backyard to relax in, you're never too far from a walk in the park. While walking is good exercise, most Korean parks also have the type of exercise equipment you'd typically find in a gym just set out for public use. Everyone is on the honor system here as nothing is chained down, but most of the equipment I've come across seems well kept. Above is an exercise area on Bukhansan mountain- as if climbing a mountain isn't exercise enough! There were weight benches and hula hoops galore.

Koreans have no apprehensions when it comes to public exercise either, and it's not uncommon to see locals break out into full stretches or simply grind the air while waiting to cross the road. I've never seen any joggers, which is pretty popular at home, but that could be a result of the air quality. Some of the machines seem kind of hokey though, like gym rejects that found a second home at the park. Take a look at this video from one of the 3 parks within 5 minutes of our apartment and see for yourself. The lady on the far right just looks like she's doing the twist. The old guy looks like he's having fun though, kudos to him!

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