Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shabu Shabu

We're pretty lucky to live so close to a store like Home Plus in Suwon. It's a lot like Wal-Mart so it makes shopping for groceries, clothes and shampoo very convenient. Home Plus also has a food court on the first floor with (the worst burger joint in the whole world) Lotteria, Baskin Robbins, a food court, a fortune teller, and little "well-being" restaraunt in the corner we'd never paid much attention to. Well, searching around Dave's ESL website I was reading about Mongolian-style shabu shabu restaraunts (yes, I have a lot of time on my hands) and it turns out that little restaraunt at the Home Plus was a shabu shabu place. So Saturday night Mel and I went with Jo and Hannah to check it out.

We were sat down at a table with a boiling pot of yellow water in the middle and instructed to check out the buffet of fresh meat, seafood and veggies. The dish is made by submerging a very thin slice of meat or a piece of vegetable in a pot of boiling broth and swishing it back and forth several times. The swishing sound is where the dish gets its name- Shabu-shabu roughly translates to "swish-swish", thank you Wikipedia.
The food cooked fast and the meat was tender. There were lots of noodles, sandwiches and salads to compliment the meat. It was a really nice meal, and recommended to anyone looking to try something different. Is there anything you can't do, Home Plus?

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