Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Seoul Tower

Because she didn't want to pay us overtime for our previous months' 12.5 hours of working hours over and above our contracted agreement, our boss gave us the day off. It was tempting to spend the day watching korean infomercials in bed, but we decided to actually "do" something today. It's been cold and we've been working more so we've been kind of lazy in our free time lately. We decided to visit Seoul tower, which is kind of like the CN Tower only about half as tall.

In order to get to the tower we took a quick cable car ride. It was kind of scary.

View from the top!

Our favorite shopping area, Myongdong, from 777ft up.

Proof that Mel and I were there.

Seoul Tower was a lot like the 63 building, which we visited a few months ago. However, the 63 building had a bar on the observation level, a glass floor and costumed characters that followed us around. So of the two landmarks, I'd definately check out the one with constumed characters for a good view. Seoul Tower is positioned on a mountain so you can always see it in the skyline no matter where you are in the city. It was always there, off in the distance reminding us to check it out.

Afterwards we went to Myeongdong for a little bit of window shopping. The were a lot of police dressed in riot gear around, and earlier in the day we'd seen a street full of police buses. When we got to the shopping area there were a large parade of protesters with flags marching throughout the shopping area, and there were a lot of police standing by to make sure everything was peaceful. This was the experience in 2 parts:

I have no idea what they were protesting but it must have been something pretty worthwhile because there were hundreds and hundreds of protesters. It was kind of a crazy scene but we'll never know what it was all about. That's the thing when you don't speak the language... you're kind of out of the loop...

Well, we're back home now and as a public service gesture I'd like to warn everyone out tere to never EVER buy a Braun Italy B126 Hot Water Heater! When we moved in here we were alarmed to discover that our hot water only lasted long enough for a 5 minute shower! The tank also made constant high pitched noises... sort of like the squeek of car brakes. Well, the other day I found the temperature guage so the shower started running about 15 minutes or so, which was awesome and kind of life altering! However this morning we woke to discover that our hot water heater isn't working at all anymore so we now have 0 minute showers :( Unable to phone our landlord we had to email our boss and ask her to do so. It's 10pm, we're dirty and haven't heard back yet....

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