Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Museum Of Drinking Water

Yes, on Monday we went to see The Museum Of Drinking Water. I've been bugging Mel to go to the museum with me for weeks now just because it sounded SO BORING that I thought it would be funny and she finally relented on Monday, but only because she wanted to shop for boots at a nearby market. I was so excited to visit that I even called ahead first to make sure they were open. We've hit a new low. Ever feel like you were on vacation in a place where you felt like you'd done everything you wanted to and the vacation really could've ended a while ago? Yeah, that's where we're at right now. Can we go back to work now?

There was a room full of water pumps!

Pipes, through the decades.

You could climb up a small ladder to see this amazing air vent passage!!

A collection of fittings!

There was a garden full of old pipes to pose with!

And the garden was conveniently accessed through- you guessed it- pipes! The museum is a little cheeky!

Look at all the pipes! Isn't this SO INTERESTING?????

Random ape to pose with. We really had to muscle our way through the crowds to get our picture!

We came to a random hiking trail and decided to check it out, to get the most out of our $50NT admission. At the base of the trail there was a sign warning about snakes (cobras actually, according to the picture). But wait a minute- why is the word "snakes" taped onto the sign? What did it originally say?

"SNACKS" are active in this area!! Aha ha aha hahah ah ahahaaaa!!!

At the top of the trail was this thing.

We continued to follow the trail which brought us to this interesting piece of pipe, which was bent during the 9/21 earthquake that happened 10 years ago. Imagine the force of the earthquake that would have bent a pipe like this? 2,400 people died and 100,000 people were left homeless. There's a museum about the earthquake too, but it's not located in Taipei and we's po.

The trail continued around through the woods and we passed by a row of seductively dressed palm trees. It had started to rain, as always, so the "Beware of slip" signs the park had posted were useful reminders. PS: Neither Mel nor I bewared of slip enough and wound up almost falling twice. Not a good thing because Nareesa would surely have left us to be eaten alive by snacks. The trail ended at a closed gate near some sludge tanks and a closed water park so we turned around and walked back home to dream further about pipes and fittings.

The Museum Of Drinking Water- don't miss it.

Bonus: Their canteen sells "papcarn"!

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