Monday, September 18, 2006

Now watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat

Mel got out of dance class!

I, however, am still a magician. I had three classes in the afternoon and they were still observation-style. The first class I sat back and watched but in the second and third classes I came up and performed a few magic tricks. I did a coloring book trick where I flip through the pages of a coloring book 3 times and the first time the pages are blank. The second time I flip through it there's drawings and the third time there's color. The trick is that some of the pages are longer than others so depending on where you hold the book the audience will see pics/no pics,etc. Well the first time I did it I wasn't holding the book the right way and the coloring book went from no drawings at all to full color drawings. Whatever, the kids didn't care. In the last class I also did a chopstick trick where there's an 'x' on one side of the chopsticks and you flip it really quick to make the 'x' disappear. The kids figured that one out pretty quick. Overall it was an awkward little experience but It'll be a breeze after a few more tries on my own.

Mel got to observe one class of 'airplane' and then taught the second class. She wore a stewardess' uniform and taught some flight safety. At the end the kids get to go down a safety slide which is a big hit. She did fine but came out a little sweaty (as did I).

I only teach magic classes allll week. Mel has 5 different classes to learn, but they're all easy. Tomorrow she has 'homestay' which is a living room roleplay where the kids play board games. Tonight we observed 'golden bell' which is a game show. It was 2 hours (the classes are usually only 45 minutes) and it should have been called 'golden snooze'. I only have 2 classes tomorrow then at 7pm we observe 'fashion show'. I know a thing or two about fashion so it should be fine.

Did we mention yet how warm it is here. I thought the climate was the same but the forecast calls for 25 degree+ temps all week. Well, I Downloaded the new episode of the Simpsons so we're gonna watch that and get some sleep. Later!

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