Sunday, January 28, 2007

James Brown Tribute Show in Hongdae

On Saturday Mel and I met up with some Suyu friends to spend the evening in Hongdae. Hongdae is probably the best place to find a bar in Seoul as the district is spread over many, many blocks and most of the buildings are bars. It's a happening area that is definately alive at night, with street vendors selling everything from mittens to food to binders well into the wee hours of the morning. We got there around 7pm so we had lots of time to look around, and lookee what I found...

And then around the corner we saw...

Don't stop there, here's number three...

This was the point when it started to get ridiculous...

And if you feel like treating yourself, there's a luxury Ho Bar as well:

We stopped for some street waffles at the recommendation of Christa and Ryan, and they were delicious. The lady made them fresh on the street, all while watching her favorite TV show and all for only 600 won (60 cents). I just so happen to have a video too:

Dayna posing with some typical Korean fashion. If I step off the plane in Halifax looking like either of those mannequins, slap me.

We went to a bar called Ta to watch a James Brown tribute show, because Kane (one of the Suyu teachers) was performing a set. Most of the acts only played one James Brown song, so the majority of the entertainment was original music. I really liked most of the bands that played, even the Korean-language music sounded pretty good. Of course there were bongos to amuse ourselves with too.

Here's a video of Kane performing:

After the show we went a 7/11 to get some snacks and Dayna got into a fight with a guy from PEI over potatoes. Then we all headed to a 'luxury' norebang to sing some kareoke. The above pic is us waiting for a room. It was a pretty nice place; they even served complimentary ice creams and pop. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before I crashed in the corner, sung to sleep by a kareoke lullaby. We took a cab back to Dayna's and spent the night.

On the way back to Suwon today, we stopped in Myeongdong and did some quick clothes shopping and I tried some clothes on in the most unusual fitting room. There was a head and some circuits on the wall:

Happy with our new clothes we headed home, and on the subway Mel was used as a pillow:

The end.

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