Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Teacher, What is fart?

Summer vacation for Korean public schools has led to an interesting couple of weeks at the English Villagey. Our lessons are geared towards 5th and 6th graders, but last week we welcomed 120 wild, hyper, spoiled 3rd and 4th grade children to the school. I hate to say it, but they drove us crazy and helped a good number of us to bouts of sore throats and sickness. This week has also proved interesting, with 80 gifted science students attending the school, ranging in age from 6th grade to 8th grade. I teach the 7th and 8th graders, and those are my students in the picture above. Notice the kid next to me that's a good head taller than me? I feel very short this week! Our genius, fluent, geeky students have been treated to classes such as "airplane", "supermarket", and "restaraunt"... do these classes sound a little young for their age group? They definately are.

Regardless, I think they are having a good time at the school. At a loss for new information to discuss with the kids in my "Homeroom" (free-talking) class yesterday, I decided to teach my students some slang words, which they then had to use in sentences to present to the class. They learned "NOT!", fart, fit (attractive), "my bad", phat, cake (as in "a piece of..."), minging (gross), yadda yadda yadda, and "were you born in a barn?"

Here are some of my favorites:

- This hamburger tastes terrible. Did you farted into it?

- Shawn teacher is so handsome. NOT! (grrrr....)

- That dong is minging. (They LOVE dong!)

- U.K's Tower Bridge is pretty phat, isn't it?

- Why do you put your finger to nose? Were you born in a barn?

- My friend's boyfriend is fit. But, I don't like him.

- What does the word cake mean? What a cake question! It means easy & simple.

- I was born in 1993, yadda yadda yadda, I'm in Suwon English Village now.

I think that on Thursday's Homeroom class I will spend half the lesson teaching them how to shave, and the other half on pick-up lines. I'll let you all know how it goes.

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