Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thoughts of a Worrywart

A hotel in Taiwan falls into the rushing water.

Did you know that a typhoon is the same as a hurricane? Just on different sides of the world.

As you may of heard, there was a devastating typhoon in Taiwan recently. As a result of receiving 84 inches of rain, chaos and flooding ensued. This is due largely in part to the fact that previous to the typhoon, a drought made the land hard and unable to absorb the water. This chain of events led to landslides in smaller villages burying people and homes in mud. I heard this was Taiwan's worst typhoon in half a century. I can't help but wonder whether we are just super sensitive to hearing such news. Would I have ever really given much thought to a typhoon in Taiwan before? Probably not. But seeing as how we are moving to Taiwan in a week or so, I really hope that we:

a. find an apartment at least 3 floors up and b. not have to deal with similar catastrophic events (it's earthquakes that I worry about more)

On a lighter note, I got really excited about going to Taiwan after watching some youtube videos of the beaches and New Year's fireworks. I'm really looking forward to eating lots of different food, shopping and travelling around the island and hopefully to some neighbouring countries as well. I'm going to miss my cat, Rufus, and my family and friends back home. My stomach is knotting up with the pressure of moving and starting a new job and I'm worrying like crazy. But it's a good worry...keeps me on my toes.

-Thoughts of a Worrywart

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