Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Little Stretch

It happens all the time in Asia. You're waiting to cross the road, you're standing at the bus stop, you're walking down the street and, sure enough, someone starts up with some random public exercise that would put Olivia Newton-John to shame. In both Korea and Taiwan, we've noticed that it's completely normal for locals to bust out some sudden jumping jacks, over-dramatic stretches and pelvic thrusts that can't possibly do anything for their health besides make them look ridiculous.

So yesterday, my fat ass was sitting at KFC when I spotted a cab driver taking an exercise break at a gas station. Unfortunately, I had a Zinger in my hand when he was first leaping around, but the footage I captured is still a good example of this phenomenon of Asian public exercise. Foolish as it is, you have to admire the spirit of the exercise. I mean, what do Canadian cabbies do on their breaks? Go to a Tim Horton's drive-thru? Smoke? This video makes me happy.

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