Friday, October 13, 2006

See, we really do work!

There has been some questions raised as to whether or not Mel and I are on an extended shopping trip in Asia or if we really do some work during the week. Well, yeah we do (a little). So finally, after a month in Korea I finally took some pictures when school was in session! Mel and I work the night shift this month, which is 1:30-8:40. During that time there is a supper break from 5:15-7:00 (I have never had a nearly TWO HOUR supper break at any job before but I like it!) and plus in the afternoon you may only teach two or three 45 minute classes. So, even though we are scheduled from 1:30-8:40 you spend most of that time back in your room eating ice creams and reading about North Korea on

This is me doing my amazing card trick in Magic class! These kids were really bad lol!!!

One of my classes. We only have each class for 45 minutes a week, so you don't really get to know the kids very well. But there are ones you remember and they see you around campus so they definately get attached and remember you. In "Post Office" class the students pick a teacher and write to them, so yesterday Mel and I checked our mail and we had a bunch of letters. They were really cute but I had no idea who the kids were that wrote to me...

This is one of the letters. My favorite line is "I want drink soju, beer and water"

Melodie's cooking class. The kids make chocolate cupcakes so it's basically their favorite class. It's tricky though, because there's not actually enough time to make and cook cupcakes with 10 year olds in 45 minutes so they wind up eating the cupcakes the previous class baked. This usually works fine until they figure it out. Wednesday one of the classes put dishsoap in their batter because they knew the next class would have to eat them...

Last night we had 'graduation'. Every Friday night all of the kids go to the auditorium and the teachers each get up and say goodbye and make them promise to come back. Also they watch a slideshow of their week here, we turn down the lights and play sad music, tell them to say goodbye and make them cry. We don't like graduation night because it's a little manipulative. At the end of the night the kids get the teacher's autographs and e-mails and you are basically mobbed by hundreds of kids. I am usually surrounded and it gets soooo hot! But the kids have fun watching the slideshow, they exchange e-mails and they dance. They play 'Mambo No. 5', 'the Twist' and... YMCA (of course!) Now I don't like to dance and last night I had the perfect excuse... I was taking a video! Enjoy... the video below captures nicely the chaos that is graduation night!

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