Sunday, October 15, 2006

To Avoid Any Confusion

It's not hard to find a restaraunt in Seoul. Walk up the road for a block and you'll likely pass two dozen little restaraunts. The meals here are heavy on the vegetables, and light on meat (wahhhh!!!) so often each restaraunt will only sell one type of meat to compliment it's dishes. What Mel and I have found funny is that an example animal is usually used on the restaraunt's sign to show you what type of meat they serve. And the animal isn't a cartoon representation, it's a picture of a real cow, a field of pigs, fish swimming, etc.

In Canada we don't want to know what we're eating! If a restaraunt back home put up a giant picture of some real cows in their window, the vegetarian community would automatically stay away. There are no vegans here so that isn't a problem. We took these pictures on a walk down one single street today. If you're feeling like dog, the sign tells you where to go...

mmmm beef ***MOO!!!***

Awww the piggies are kissing!

Mother hen with her chicks... coming to a plate near you

A little fishy for my tastes.

There's a better chance of this guy eating me than me eating him.

And last, but not least, we found a place with boiling pots full of ram, turtle and..... DOG. Yes, we finally found a place that sells dog. The puppy looks so cute too. Suspiciously, there was a dog that looked exactly like this one that used to live right across from the school. We haven't seen him lately...

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