Monday, October 30, 2006

There's No Way.

Shawn: "Hello class, how was your day?"

Class: *silence*

Shawn: "Okay Friday we are going to be performing a play. Who knows what theater is?"

Class: *silence*

Shawn: "Who know's what an actor is? Or a play? A musical?"

Class: *sound of crickets, one kid gets up and runs laps around the gym*

It's me vs 11 nine-year olds that are not bad kids but do not have the english capacity to tell me their own names let alone put on a play. They are so little and we've never had kids with such low comprehension before. I tried some games with them, read them the book (Paper Bag Princess)... they don't get it. If someone tried to explain a game to me completely in Korean I wouldn't have a clue what was going on either so it's not their fault, they just don't have the skills.

They still don't know that they are putting on a play, actually. And that's what the whole class as about tonight.

Maybe I should learn Korean and explain everything to them in their own language? It's looking like a good option.

On the bright side this is my last week of Magic. I'm moving on to "Police Station" and "Physician's Office" next week. If the kids act up I can throw them in jail or sedate them. Woot!!!

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